boy was left behind as left behind book released

The latest Left Behind book was released today. The Rapture: In the twinkling of an eye, countdown to the earth's last days. It's a Prequel. Big shocker there. I thought they had already written about the rapture in this series but they are cranking these things out non-stop and there's another one due out in August.
While writing this post I listened to the website music which is quite addictive. The site opens with a flash animation diagramming 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 in case you can't understand it without pictures.
I made this picture for my earlier post about the Left Behind video game but it was way down at the bottom and I'll just assume it was so smooth as to be unnoticeable or too offensive for anyone to notice it but I thought it was really funny but no one said anything about it.

In an incredible stroke of fate, which played directly into my hands, allowing me to make a striking metaphor, a young boy was left behind by his parents after his own birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese (a pizza restaurant catering to children with arcade games and playgrounds).
In our rush to celebrate the wedding feast as the bride of Christ (the church) is reunited with Him in the last days as described in Revelation we've left behind the guest of honor. We've divided the body of the bride because some are pre-wedding cake and believe that the cutting of the cake should come before the dinner so that the everyone does not have to wait for everyone else

The bride is so caught up in "Her Day" and the planning for it that she hasn't talked to the groom

Acts 1:7 "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own Authority."
Yes, yes, how clever your "kiss my left behind" picture is and funny too. We got it the first time. Now quit posting it.
Here is a parody of LEFT BEHIND
it's called:
Raptured: The final Daze of the Late, Great Planet Earth.
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