Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
fox news uncovers new smuggling route
Watch this video and find out about the new route illegal alien smugglers are using.

I like the way the trooper talks too. He sounds like a Canadian Mountie.
Also note that "Polly" thinks the problem here is the congressmen and especially the coyotes who are charging Mexicans too much to be smuggled in. Sigh. If only we could get them to lower their prices. Maybe Polly can get the congressmen to pass a law making the coyotes charge less.
Somewhere out there, Carol McKinley's geography teacher is hanging his head in shame and asking himself why he wasted his life. On Monday, the kids in his class will probably watch a movie unrelated to geography as he sobs into his hands silently at his desk.
Monday, March 27, 2006
stupid japanese inventions part I
If you can read the writing or you just want to make up a funny translation of the writing, I would love that. Also, if you have a pic that would fit this category that would be great.

Thursday, March 23, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
un-pimp my ride
the perfect man, part I
Yes, he is perfect. He's got everything on the list and more.
Don't read the next part until you've watched the video. It will be funnier that way. I promise.
What do you mean? You didn't say, wears less make up than me, shorter hair than me, or likes girls. He has everything on the list! What's wrong with a little chest make up anyway?
Saturday, March 18, 2006
booty is in the eye of the beholder
This one is work/child/parent safe. There are lots of coppier videos. Would this video be inapropriate if it was a hot chick? Would it be inapropriate if the chick weighed as much as this guy? Have you ever thought about how modesty only has to do with attractive people?
On a side note, doesn't Mr. Tumnus need to put on a shirt? What is the point of a scarf when you're topless? At the bare minimum how about some chain mail when you go to battle? Sorry, Mr. Tumnus, I just saw a picture of you again and although I am well aware of the fact that fauns and satyrs are all about the pursuit of pleasure, playing pipes, drinking, and chasing nymphs, I really could have done without the two hours of nipple gazing.
Friday, March 17, 2006
funny spam
"If you
I don't really want a girl to see a pretty swan in me. Even if you had never heard of the ballet Swan Lake, this is about the gayest way a girl could think of you. Imagine a guy walking by and all you can think about is white fluffy feathers and swans floating by. Maybe I'm wrong on this one. What do you think?
"Stop reading stupid advises about being popular among the women."
Does this mean I should stop reading that email? I tried to think back to if anything I have read lately qualifies under this.
"Since the High School you were unnoticed by the womens."
This is my favorite one. It just makes me laugh. Despite the fact that it's 75% male here, I can tell I am definitely being noticed by the womens. That would be a funny idea for a movie. A guy buys these pheremones and they stink really bad or they repulse the womens. You could even have them work really well. You can't really go wrong with that idea. I'll just stick to my excessive cologne.
Do you feel noticed by the mens? The other day I was at the grocery store and I walked by an aisle and this incredible smell hit me like I was a bunny frolicking in a field of daisies. I backed up and looked down the aisle and it was a girl that was a full ten yards back down the aisle. That's powerful. But I mean it in a good way.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
a fun trick to play on someone with an esv bible

Ask them to read Mark 7:16
I've always thought it would be funny to do that at a bible drill. It's probably a good thing I wasn't aware of this stuff back in my bible drill days. I think we need to be careful though, you could really mess up some kid in the head with this because they aren't able to comprehend ancient manuscript scholarship.
The verse numbers were arbitrarily forced onto the text of a particular manuscript. Recent scholarship using older and better manuscripts has questioned some verses. KJV only people call these "missing verses". You should probably be aware of this as you will get a question in ministry like this one day.

There are a couple other places like this also:
Matt 17:21
Matt 18:11
Matt 23:14
Mark 7:16
Mark 9:44
Mark 9:46
Mark 11:26
Mark 15:28
Mark 16:19-20
Luke 17:36
Luke 23:17
John 5:4
Acts 8:37
Acts 15:34
Acts 24:7
Acts 28:29
Rom 16:24
1 John 5:7
(list is not all inclusive and I may have typed the wrong thing)
These are basically the proof texts for the King James only people. In reality, they are also proof texts for why Textus Receptus, the main KJV source document, is questionable.
One of these KJV only sites had this rather bold claim: "The NIV removes 64,576 words!" I'm just glad it wasn't my job to count every time the NIV didn't use a "thee or thou". I feel sorry for whoever had to do that. I'm curious if any Greek or Hebrew Scholars actually hold to KJV only anymore.
Personally I don't really like the TEV, CEV, NIV, Living Bible, The Message, Good News for Dudes and Stuff and those that paraphrase it into, "And Jesus was all, dude, dude. I sense a lot of hostility dude. You gotta go with the flow. Live and let live man, you're cramping the loveflow buzz. "
For a while I was really into the CEV and I was using it in children's ministry and I tried to read the bible through and failed miserably. In both these situations I was getting frustrated cause I couldn't tell what the heck the bible was actually saying. I kept having to stop and go fish out my ancient KJV to get some clarification. (I mean what things in the sentence were related or acting on other things, not overall interpretation.) You don't have this problem in Latin but you can really be ambiguous in English if you want to.
I predict that in the near future we will see a couple more of these translations. They will probably cut out the gay parts, add in a lot of universalism, and paraphrase the really definite verses that make us uncomfortable. I just don't understand why they do this. If you don't like what the Bible says, why not just reject it? I don't really understand apostates and liberal churches either. If you believe the bible's all a lie and geschichte and fairy stories, why go? You can get better fairy stories from Hollywood that don't make you feel guilty about your sin and you don't have to put so much effort into being good, donating money, or cutting out the parts you don't like.

I guess Satan is keeping that going.
Anyway, I like the formal vocabulary and syntax of the KJV though but not the archaic pronouns and source documents. We used to have weirdos come through our church every once in a while promoting KJV only and a bunch of other stuff. Sometimes I wonder about how I'm going to deal with that in the future. One conservative pastor told me the conservatives are always more trouble than the liberals. hahaha
I'm really looking to being proficient enough in Greek to be able to just read the bible for myself. After listening to all these word studies though, I'm afraid it won't be that helpful to read quickly in greek but it will be better to look up every single word. I'd really like to read quickly as in english but with understanding. It's going to be difficult. I'm glad it's not like learning to ski or something and I will instead have God's help.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Jesus came to be an amusement park so you can be entertained

Last year, kids came back from centrifuge wearing orange robes and chanting mantras in what has been called “fugegate”. (ok, they didn’t have orange robes, but really how long before the emergers start doing that?)
Stephen U. has been preparing to teach at [insert whatever cool name it is being called now] and had to beg the leadership to ad in some of the gospel cause there wasn’t any. He documents this year’s heresies from Lifeway:
“In this lesson, we will see that Jesus is the most entertaining and thrilling ride we could ever choose.”
“Its basic goal is to make our park visit memorable and enjoyable.”
“Are you allowing Jesus to thrill and wow you? How can we limit the mundane, confusing, uncomfortable, overbearing challenges that come along in this life?
Not being from an SBC background and having no emotional attachments to our schizophrenic institutions with funny names, my favorite Canadian, Guillaume is able to see right through the behemoth that is Lifeway and asks, "Would we tolerate it if our pastors got up to the pulpit on Sunday and read off a sermon that had been mailed to him a few months earlier from a Lifeway office in Nashville?"
It seems like all I ever hear about our denominational institutions is how they are dominated by mean conservatives and how liberal-phobic they are and they fire people at the drop of a hat for doing anything out of the ordinary. If you don’t get a pink slip for preaching Buddhism or this Jesus roller coaster nonsense, really, how far do you have to go to get in trouble at Lifeway?
up and are generally curious about what he believes. According to the Biblical Recorder, he is a three-pointer. This is a pretty negative piece which unfairly compares Rainer with James Frey, the Oprah book club guy whose book is basically a lie except for the ISBN number but I reference it because it records Rainer's response to the Calviphobia question.
Unless they get Stephen as their teacher at Centrifuge, your youth are going to spend a week being indoctrinated with this "Jesus died for your sins for fun" stuff.
There is an alternative though. Founders usually hosts several youth conferences during the summer.
Try to ignore the excessive use of some really hideous Microsoft word art in that flyer. I’ll take Founder’s sound teaching in word art rather than glossy heresies from Lifeway any day.
These are exciting times we live in where the little guy can say the emperor has no clothes and question mighty lifeway. Apparently Dr. Ascol reads our blogs because Founders picked this up and ran with it. By one blog post, people are being made aware and taking Lifeway to task. You can literally see the reformation happening before you very eyes!
You might drop by Stephen's blog to give him a word of encouragement and thank him for having the guts to confront the leadership and speak out about this. I imagine people don't like being told by seminary students that they are teaching children heresies and he's probably trying to decide what he's going to do about all of this.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
George Müller with a fauxhawk

If you take personal spiritual disciplines with Dr. Whitney at Southern Seminary, you'll read a biography of George Müller. If anyone hassles you about your fauxhawk show them that it's ok since George Müller had one.
In his early teens he was a drunkard, gambler, fraud, and thief. He actually did time for fraud before his conversion.
He trusted in God's provision and he was able to accomplish some amazing things. His orphanage cared for, at its peak, 2000 children. He refused to use government money and only accepted unsolicited gifts. The buildings for his orphanages costed over 100,000 pounds sterling in mid 1800's terms which would mean millions today. He never requested financial support or went into debt. His organization is said to have funded the great missionary Hudson Taylor.
At the age of 70 he began foreign evangelism and preached in around 40 countries.
It's pretty hard for me to imagine doing things this way. It just feels irrsponsible. I've always been against churches borrowing a million dollars for their new building but think about raising money for your mission trip without asking anyone! I'm thinking about trying that if I go on another trip.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
told me so
Cute laughing babies that bear your image in matching outfits , a beautiful southern wife and new mother with a heavy accent (I would place it in Tennesee), in a warm comfortable environment, Dad's funny and has a new gadget. Unforgetable family times made of things that would seem mundane and insignificant but for some reason the whole world is watching this video.
Do you see the contrast? Westminster 139 comes to mind. An undue delay of marriage.
Whether you told yourself you wanted to have your roaring 20's, you were going to be an independent woman, or you deluded yourself into thinking that you were spiritually superior to married people and you were going to accomplish all these great things for God and you were going to give yourself the spiritual gift of temporary celibacy, you have to admit, those babies laughing is a lot cooler than what you are doing tonight. Marriage isn't that bad after all.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
choose your own adventure
“The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance of Jesus Christ, to be administered with the elements of bread and wine,”
2006 Southern Seminary Handbook, Appendix C, Paragraph 1:
“The Seminary prohibits use of alcohol…”